Presidents' Day - America's Top Presidents
Presidents' Day is a national vacation in America. It is a twenty-four hours of award for all the work force who have got served in the business office of President of the United States. As I researched how people rank the work force that have got held the peak business office in this land, I was somewhat surprised to be challenged by the definition of the term "rank".
Indeed, I saw listings of the "hottest" Presidents of all time. This beauty listing usually includes Bill Clinton, Ronald Reagan, Seth Thomas Jefferson, John Hope Franklin Pierce, and Teddy Roosevelt. I saw listings of the best Democratic Presidents of all time. Of course, there were listings of the best Republican Presidents as well. The listing of great Democratic Presidents usually included Presidents of more than recent vintage like Bill Clinton and Kennedy. The Republican listing almost always included Ronald Reagan.
Of course of study there are some people who just don't cognize adequate about our history to rank any Presidents. In fact, when the inquiry of which Presidents were the top three Republican Presidents in history was recently asked on Yahoo, a individual called "Just an norm chic" responded: "Are there any? Hmmm..... I pull a clean here".
I thought to myself after looking at that reply that sadly many children have got been left behind in our educational system. If that is the cognition alkali of the norm person, we are a society in large trouble. (Note to the United States Congress, we necessitate to acquire moving on that new "No Child Left Behind Act").
However, on this Presidents' Day, my definition of the top rated Presidents makes not include being fine-looking or hot. They don't have got to be either Republican or Democrat. They don't have got to be modern or popular. What they necessitate to have got got done to do my listing is to have achieved the most. They necessitate to have got made a difference. They necessitate to be the best and they necessitate to be recognized as the best over time. So I turned to the general agreement ranking among people for the Presidents' ratings. Here is their general agreement of the top three rated Presidents in American history.
This President said: "The state which indulges to another habitual hatred, or an habitual fancy is in some grade a slave. It is a slave to its animus or to its affection, either of which is sufficient to take it astray from its duty and its interests." He created a state from nothing. First President Of The United States, "The Father Of The Country", Saint George American Capital is rated 3rd by scholars.
This President said: "The lone thing we have got to fearfulness is fear itself." Returning United States to work after the Great Depression, The New Deal, Pearl Harbor, and World War 2, (FDR) John Hope Franklin Delano Franklin Roosevelt is rated 2nd by the general agreement of scholars.
Finally, it probably doesn't really surprise you that Abraham Abraham Lincoln is the pick of people for the best President of the United States. His most celebrated address was called "The Gettysburg Address". He was the President during the Civil War and was responsible for preserving the Union. His Emancipation Announcement freed the slaves. He was the first President assassinated in business office and a sufferer for the country. The monolithic sculpture built as a commemoration to Abraham Abraham Lincoln located in the National Promenade in American Capital D.C is certainly not overstated.
Of course, there were many other great Presidents of the United States. The listing of the people top 10 Presidents travels on to include Seth Thomas Jefferson, Theodore Roosevelt, Saint Andrew Jackson, Woodrow Wilson, Harry Truman, Jesse James Polk, and Dwight Eisenhower. However, Abraham Abraham Lincoln is the pick for the best President of the United States and for the benefit of all the "just mean chics" out there, he was in fact a Republican.
Labels: abe lincoln, FDR, george washington, politics, presidents, presidents day, yahoo
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